Abstract: Unemployment and poverty are major indicators of underdevelopment. In spite of the enormous material and potential human resources in Nigeria, the country has over the years been plagued by the two problems. Many researchers hold that the employment status and nature of employment of the household head have significant impact on household poverty incidence. This study employs the binary logistic regression technique in analysing the impact of the employment status
and nature of employment of the household head on household poverty incidence based on available Nigerian data. Various occupational groups and occupational status of household head are added to major correlates of poverty such as household size, age of household head, sex of household head, region and sector of residence, access to regular remittances, access to credit, ownership of housing unit and educational level of household head to form the regressors, while the poverty status of the household is the regressand.
The results of the study show, among other things, that the employment status and nature of employment of the household head in general have significant impact on household poverty incidence.
Arresting poverty through adequate employment generation is a major way to obliterate underdevelopment. Thus government should focus on
employment generation to pave the way for rapid and sustainable development in the country.

JEL classification: D10, E24, I32, J60, R20